Arian Khaefi is Associate Professor of Music and Director of Choral Studies at San Diego State University where he conducts the Chamber Choir, Treble Choir, UChorus, teaches choral literature, and directs the graduate choral conducting program. Previously he served as director of choral activities at Fullerton College and Towson University. Khaefi maintains an active schedule leading ensemble and conducting workshops for high-schools, colleges, and universities across the country. In 2017, Khaefi was appointed as the Director of the Cornish American Song Institute Choral Scholars Program, a month-long intensive summer conducting program held in the United Kingdom in conjunction with Oxford University, and in 2022 was appointed Chorus Director of the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus in La Jolla, California. Dr. Khaefi is nationally and internationally recognized for his accomplishments as a conducting pedagogue and guest conductor. In addition to regularly leading regional and all-state honor choirs, he has guest-conducted throughout Asia, Europe, and South America. Choruses under his direction have toured nationally and have performed in concert halls across the United States, and he has prepared choruses for leading conductors including Michael Tilson Thomas, Leonard Slatkin, Christopher Warren-Green, and James Conlon.